Tuesday, 7 February 2012

LAUGH - Twitter Hashtag Lesson

It took me ages to learn how to use twitter with all the #ff's #hashtags DMs, mentions etc - in fact I still occasionally have to scratch my head when confronted with a tweet that looks more like my blackberry's list of symbols. Now I may not be an expert - but if theres one thing im clear on its the purpose of a hashtag.

A hashtag is meant to distinguish a term so that others users may search for it, ie: #britney spears (its just an example but i will admit that I love her), adding a hashtag like #brinteyspearslivesinoklahoma (no idea if she does) is just pointless because nobody else is going to use that #hashtag or be able to search for it - instead: #britneyspears #oklahoma (cos now anyone searching for either of those things will get results) Make sense?

Keep noticing ppl using #hashtags to round off their tweets - dont! Use them when discussing a particular subject, or event.

Sorry for the rant ;)

Twitter Hashtag Logo

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