Paternoster - Western Cape
Legend has it that the Meermijn, a ship with a cargo of slaves, came to shore in search of fresh food and water supplies. A Catholic priest on board of the vessel said the LOrd's Paryer (Pater Noster) on the beach to give thanks for the fresh supplies they were able to find.
These days the men of Pater noster give thanks for a different reason - the Paternoster Panty Bar
The legendary Panty Bar served as the Paternoster jail until the building was converted into a hotel in 1940. In 1974 Johan Carosini started the collection of "honeymoon panties". The panty collection had to be taken down in June 1983 after the local Reverend had tea at the hotel. He reported the very "unholy" practive to the police. The policemen responsible for the confiscastion of the panties was therafter christened "Panty" Basson.
The collection was once again started in the nineties by Johan's son and now co-owner, Giorello and is still flourishing today. Boys.... *rolling eyes*
haha, brlliant! We going to Paternoster next weekend actually, cannot wait!